megalithic of japan



金山巨石群(岩屋岩蔭遺跡) ←周辺のグルメ・宿の検索 じゃらん



youtube:下呂逗留 ⑧金山巨石群の秘密


以下“飛騨かなやま” 金山巨石群 と 筋骨めぐり のスタッフブログより転載

『金山巨石群★光の体験ツアー』 (2017年 3月 23日更新)

2017年 3-6月s

【2017年 春夏編ポスター】 コース内容は常時 同じです

2017年  ツアー募集日…
募集日以外でも 2名様より受付けています

【夏 期】
 4月19日(土)~21日(月)  夏期の始まりを告げるスポット光体験
 5月21日(日)~23日(火)  夏至30日前を告げるスポット光体験
 6月20日(火)~22日(木)  夏至のスポット光体験 (夏至 6/21)
 7月20日(木)~22日(土)  夏至30日後を告げるスポット光体験
 8月18日(金)~20日(日)  夏期の終わりを告げるスポット光体験

【秋 期】
 9月22日(金)~24日(日)   秋分のスポット光体験

【冬 期】
10月25日(水)~27日(金)  冬期の始まりを告げるスポット光体験
11月22日(水)~24日(金)  冬期の光体験
12月22日(金)~24日(日) 冬至の頃 (冬至 12/22)
 1月20日(土)~22日(月)   冬期の光体験
 2月17日(土)~19日(月)   冬期の終わりを告げるスポット光体験

◆ツアー名 : 『金山巨石群・光の体験ツアー』 金山巨石群 と 筋骨めぐり (各ガイド・昼食付)
◆ コ ー ス    :  11:30 各自 巨石群へ現地集合 (移動はすべて各自でお願いします)
                         16:00 終了 ドライブイン飛山(昼食場所/国道41号沿)にて解散
巨石群見学と光の体験 90分⇒(移動15km/約30分)⇒ 昼食60分⇒ 筋骨めぐり90分 ‐‐‐16:00終了
◆参 加 費  : おひとり様 3,000円 (2 名様以上催行)
        但し参加者合計10名様以上の場合は、おひとり様 2,500円 となります
◆ 主 催    :  金山町観光協会 
◆ 協 賛    :  金山巨石群調査資料室 ・ ドライブイン飛山(ひざん)
◆お申込み: お名前/人数/当日連絡先 をお知らせください。
TEL.0576-32-3544 または 080-3637-2201

または金山巨石群調査資料室 TEL&FAX.0576-34-0073  E-mail:

1.金山巨石群 とは?
「金山巨石群」は、太陽の周期を読みとるカレンダーとして時を刻み続けている巨石群。1998年からの考古天文学調査によって、巨石群は単に自然にできた形状ではなく、巧みに形成されたものであることが明らかになっています(ただしその方法はいまだ謎に包まれています)。そして金山巨石群の「こよみ」の精度は、現在最も正確な太陽暦といわれるグレゴリオ暦に近い周期での観測(128年周期)が可能であることが、2015年の調査で公表されました。少なくとも 2,500年は遡る暦の数値が巨石群に秘められています。2016年8月現在、米国の宇宙物理学博士およびドイツの考古学者らと共に、現場検証が行われています。

 The first remains where an archaeology astronomical investigation was performed in the Kanayama huge stone group in the huge stone group which there was in Japan much. When all were designed to function as a solar calendar like British Stonehenge, and the making a rock garden of the huge stone in three places was built by this investigation, I was estimated, and some facts became clear. The sunsight which was based on the time of the summer solstice and the winter solstice is possible locally. A guide is possible in Kanayama huge stone group investigation reference library, too.
youtube: Secret of the Gero stay ⑧ Kanayama huge stone group
I reprint it than "Hida kana mountain" Kanayama huge stone group and staff blog of the muscles and bones circulation as follows ↓
"An experience-based tour of the Kanayama huge stone group ★ light" (March 23, 2017 update)
From March to June in 2,017 s
[2017 spring and summer edition poster] the course contents are the always same
2017 tour offer day ………………………………………………
I accept it than two people other than the offer day
[the summer]
From Saturday, April 19 to 21st Monday Spot luminous body omen to tell an opening of the summer
From Sunday, May 21 to 23rd Tuesday Spot luminous body omen to tell 30 days ago on the summer solstice
From Tuesday, June 20 to 22nd Thursday Spot luminous body omen (summer solstice 6/21) of the summer solstice
From Thursday, July 20 to 22nd Saturday Spot luminous body omen to tell 30 days later on the summer solstice
From Friday, August 18 to 20th Sunday Spot luminous body omen to tell the end of the summer
From Friday, September 22 to 24th Sunday Spot luminous body omen of the autumnal equinox
[the winter season]
From Wednesday, October 25 to 27th Friday Spot luminous body omen to tell an opening of the winter season
From Wednesday, November 22 to 24th Friday Luminous body omen of the winter season
In from Friday, December 22 to 24th Sunday winter solstice (winter solstice 12/22)
From Saturday, January 20 to 22nd Monday Luminous body omen of the winter season
From Saturday, February 17 to 19th Monday Spot luminous body omen to tell the end of the winter season
◆ A tour name: "Experience-based tour Kanayama huge stone group of Kanayama huge stone group, the light" and muscles and bones circulation (with each guide, lunch)
◆ Course : Meeting (all the movement would like each person) local at 11:30 to the each person huge stone group
I am dissolved in end drive-in Tobiyama (lunch place / national highway 41 号沿) at 16:00
(as for drive-in Tobiyama a start goal point of the muscles and bones circulation)
It is finished at---16:00 for ⇒ muscles and bones circulation 90 minutes for ⇒ (movement 15km/ approximately 30 minutes) ⇒ lunch 60 minutes for visit to huge stone group and experience-based 90 minutes of the light
◆ An entrance fee: 3000 yen per person (available more than two people)
But it is 2500 yen per person when ten people are higher than a participant in total
※ Each guide charges and lunch charges of huge stone group, the muscles and bones circulation are included in an entrance fee
◆ Sponsorship : Kaneyama-machi tourist association
◆ The support : Kanayama huge stone group investigation reference library, drive-in Tobiyama (ひざん)
◆ An application: Please tell me the contact information on the day of name / number of people /.
Kaneyama-machi tourist association (JR Hidakanayama station building)
TEL.0576-32-3544 or 080-3637-2201
Or it is Kanayama huge stone group investigation reference library TEL&FAX.0576-34-0073 E-mail:
1. With the Kanayama huge stone group?
Highly precise sun calendar
The huge stone group which continues ticking away time as the calendar that "the Kanayama huge stone group" reads a period of the sun. It becomes clear that the huge stone group was formed not the shape that there was merely naturally by an archaeology astronomy investigation from 1998 skillfully (but the method is still given a mystery). And, as for the precision of "the calendar" of the Kanayama huge stone group, it was announced in an investigation in 2015 now that the observation (128 years period) in the period when the Gregorian calendar to be said to be the most correct solar calendar was near was possible. The numerical value of the calendar dating back is hidden in the huge stone group for at least 2,500 years. As of August, 2016, an inspection of the scene is carried out with an American astrophysics doctor and German archeologists.
Kanayama huge stone group URL






